Oil on Canvas
This painting explores the sheltering spaces incorporated in our everyday which might be physical, emotional, or digital, in the current fast paced and over-stimuling experience of the present. Our hightened sensorial intake feels synthetic when the expressions of the self disengage the body.

Tropics Below Zero
Oil on Canvas
180x140 cm
Experiencing our body through a screen, can magnify the distraction and entrainement lens through which we encounter the world. The silent qualities of painting, I believe can draw us closer to ourselves and the introspective silences we long for.

Fantasmas Desérticos
Oil on Canvas
This piece explores the emotional spaces I inhabit after cultural displacement. Although the figures are not self-portraits, they personalize 'Vulnerability' and 'Identity' in relationship to sexuality.
Oil on Canvas
Experiencing our body through a screen, can magnify the distraction and entrainement lens through which we encounter the world. The silent qualities of painting, I believe can draw us closer to ourselves and the introspective silences we long for.

Traducción (Mural)
House Paint
8.5x11 ft
The act of memorization constructs who we believe to be. This mural aims to explore labor intensive visual work as a means of self exploration. Repetition in different visual languages turns into a type of hypnosis. This self induced state asks "Who am I?"

Self, 23
Oil on Canvas
This painting explores the emotional or digital spaces incorporated in our everyday that turned into shelter during 2020. The constructed 'Self' nowadays can often times express disassociation from our present, and thus turn into a structured reflection that promises unmeasured transparency. The resulting digital inter-connections are far from having a panoptic perspective.

A Room on Sherbourne


4x4 ft
A window to the near future when both shelter and resources are going to be flooded with tension. Toxic and organic elements are merged to fit into the same category on this composition that aspires to be hopeful.

Send Food

1x1 m
Series that strive to represent the vulnerability of the Latin American land and the bodies on it. Often sexualized as a retreat and comfortable place for the temporal gaze, the broadness of its identity is politically complex.

Is it Any Wonder?